2023 Canary Impact Prize



The 2023 Canary Impact Prize has officially launch. Click here to access the application.

The 10 for 10 Prize aims to:

  • Invest in formerly incarcerated leaders and visionaries closest to the issues, namely those that are driving creative, innovative, and systemic approaches to advance social justice
  • Cultivate a collaborative community of formerly incarcerated social justice entrepreneurs to promote the development and potential reach of solutions that address complex and interrelated issues
  • Leverage the innovation of formerly incarcerated leaders to plant the seeds of social justice solutions that have the greatest potential for decarceration and re-enfranchisement.

What To Expect:

The 10 for 10 Prize will identify, support, and advance breakthrough ideas and innovations that address complex systemic issues focused on ending mass incarceration in the United States.

Awardees will receive:

  • a $10,000 prize
  • year-long access to additional supports
  • a cohort experience

The Prize is designed to promote community, build capacity, and provide support to formerly incarcerated leaders focused on achieving transformative impact through the launch of systemic solutions.

For questions about the Canary Impact Prize - Send an email to: prize@canaryimpactfund.org